We’re committed to our mission of finding new treatments that may help improve the lives of people with cancer. Our clinical trials for liver and bile duct cancer study investigational medications alone, or in combination with other study medications, or standard of care therapy. We perform these trials to see if they can help prevent, find, or treat cancer.
When cancer is found in the liver, it most often has its origin from another place in the body, such as the lung or breast. In those cases, it’s called a secondary liver cancer.
Cancer that truly begins in the liver is called a primary liver cancer. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver cancer in adults.
This type of liver cancer occurs most often in people with diseases like cirrhosis. Other risk factors include chronic infection with hepatitis B or C. HCC can begin as a solitary tumor that grows and later spreads to other parts of the liver. Or, it can start as many small cancer nodules that spread through the liver. This is more often found in people with cirrhosis.